24 Hour Urine Collection
Purpose of Test
Your doctor has ordered a test which requires the collection of all urine passed in a 24-hour period. The accurately timed urine collection is an important part of your examination. Medical decisions and treatment may depend on these results. This test is only valid IF the collection includes all urine passed in a 24-hour period. The test will be inaccurate and may have to be repeated if, for any reason, some of the urine passed during the 24-hour period is not put into the container for the collection. Your doctor may have ordered multiple urine tests. It is possible additional collections will be needed if the additional test(s) require a different preservative.
Clean Catch Midstream Urine Specimen
Purpose of Test
Your doctor has ordered a test which requires you to collect a midstream urine specimen. A carelessly collected urine specimen could give inconclusive results that require a repeat collection, thus delaying treatment, or could cause the wrong treatment to be given. In order to correctly determine whether or not any infecting organisms are present in the urine, the specimen must be free of any contaminating organisms which might be present around the genital region. It is therefore important to collect a clean-catch urine.
Pediatric Urine Collection
Purpose of Test
Your doctor has ordered a test on your infant/child which requires you to collect a midstream urine specimen. A carelessly collected urine specimen could give inconclusive results that require a repeat specimen thus delaying treatment, or could cause the wrong treatment to be given. In order to correctly determine whether or not any infecting organisms are present in the urine, the specimen must be free of any contaminating organisms which might be present in or about the genital region. It is therefore important to collect a clean-catch urine.
Pinworm Exam
Purpose of Test
Your doctor has ordered this test to determine if Pinworm eggs are present. During the night, the female worm will lay eggs around the opening of the anus.
Fasting Specimens
Purpose of Test
Your doctor has ordered a test which requires you to be fasting prior to collection. Blood composition is significantly altered after meals and is not suitable for many clinical chemistry tests. Improper preparation for this test may cause the wrong answer to be given to the doctor, resulting in the wrong treatment to be given.
Glucose Tolerance Test
Purpose of Test
Your doctor has ordered a glucose tolerance test (GTT). The purpose of a GTT is to test the efficiency of your body’s insulin-releasing mechanism and glucose disposing system. You must prepare your body for the GTT by changing your eating and medication routines slightly for 3 days before the test. It is very important that you follow the instructions below in order for accurate results to be obtained. The test will last 3 – 5 hours depending on the doctor’s order. During that time you will be required to remain in the laboratory area.
Post Prandial Glucose
Purpose of Test
Your doctor has ordered a test for glucose to be collected two hours after you have eaten. It is important to eat a high carbohydrate diet 2-3 days prior to the test. The day of the test you should eat a meal containing approximately 100 grams of glucose.
NOTE: DIABETIC PATIENTS: The following diet is for patients not known to be a diabetic. Diabetic patients should follow their usual diet.
Hemoccult Testing
Purpose of Test
Your doctor has ordered a test to determine if there is blood in your stool. The test is commonly called the Hemoccult Test or Fecal Occult Blood Test. This test requires you to follow a special diet for at least 48 hours prior to and during the collection period. The diet is designed to prevent a false positive test due to the food you have eaten.
Stool Specimen Collection
Package Insert for Personal Use Kit
Read all package insert directions carefully before sample collection. Test results may be invalid if test is not performed properly
Pap Smear Collection Information
Click here for information on what is being tested with a Pap smear.
View our brochure on the what’s and what-not to do before your Pap smear appointment.
GC/Chlamydia Female Self Collection Instruction
GC/Chlamydia Female Self Collection Instruction – Vaginal Specimen Transport for the BD ProbeTec™ CT/GC Qx Amplified DNA Assays
Please read all instructions before collecting specimens. If you have any questions about this procedure, please ask your doctor or nurse.